Saturday, November 24, 2007

Worst Paper

As I post this little note, I am in the midst of furiously writing a student comment (law school code for an ungraded thesis). In the last five days, I've cobbled together about thirty-six pages with another four-five to go. Being kind to myself, I would refer to this assignment as a series of vague introductions separated by very precise point headings. Suffice to say, it is awful.

Tell us about one of your worst work or school writing assignments. Why did it end up being such poor quality?

1 comment:

Jack Glasses said...

I've written a few bad papers, but the worst series of papers I wrote was my freshman year of college. I was in a 100 level film studies course, and we had to write papers on the famous films we watched -- generally on using various technics of moving pictures to tell a story to show that we were developing an understanding of the medium. The papers were not very demanding though, and the section of the class I was in was graded by a TA who was Japanese who clearly had a limited grasp of English.

For these papers I developed a mad lib styled format. "______ was a ______ film because of its use of _______. ________ directing style reflects _______ in how he/she _________." et cetera. I got an A in the class, but the papers I wrote all fit this awful format.