Wednesday, September 28, 2005


This is who we are.

We're a group of higher-end nerds who like to write. One GenCon some of us got tired of all the writing seminars where no one wrote anything, so we started this blog. Twice a month, we all do a writing "assignment", as well as blog posts related to this.

We're all connected, in one way or another; friends of friends. We don't all do all the assignments, but most of us do most of them. We also comment on each others' work, helping to improve the general quality.

Some of the subject matter is silly, some personal and seriuos. we try to have an approximate split between fiction and nonfiction assignments.

Feel free to comment. Anywhere, on anything. Comments are open ( though moderated... no spam allowed ). If something catches your eye, makes you throw up in your mouth, or makes you smile, let us know. If you'd like to participate in the assignments and write with us, drop us a line at pete -at- socialflare -dot- com.

The name of our blog comes from something Hemp overheard, at one of the seminars at GenCon. It was funny at the time, and "writeClub" was already taken.

; )



Instead of waiting for the lights to go out in the halls of political power, Tanq is now attending law school at Northwestern. Luckily for him, he replaced his first lackluster admissions test with a much improved version.

Tanq joined Write Monkey Write to express his feelings about lower primates. While the blog isn’t about what he thought it would be about, he stayed, and is an enthusiastic participant. He and Pete do their best to keep the blog running, but Write Monkey Write would be nothing without its other members. Tanq is happy to be associating with people whose company he enjoys and work product he respects.

When not writing for Write Monkey Write, he enjoys running, reading offbeat history books like Cod: A Biography of a Fish That Changed the World, and being slapped around by Learned Hand.

The Shadow Knows.



Zach Lome is currently a programmer for Sentact, who operate a web-based ticket, notification, and survey system for schools and hospitals. The stress of college finals and projects happend to over-prepare him for the working world, where now finds himself bored and unamused. He hasn’t had any run-ins with fictional beings since he started writing for the Write Monkey Write blog, thankfully, unless one of those fictional beings happens to be a genie.

Zach still has plans to write NaNo this year, but is going to shy as far away from meta-fiction as is physically possible -- just in case.



I'm in my sort-of-late 30s, while most of my local social circle are in their mid 20s. The more time I spend here, the more it seems clear that you have the kind of life you decide to create around you. I'm working at creating a pretty sweet life.

I have a higher-end nerd job; at other times I’ve lived a life of intrigue and danger ( heh ) but now, not-so-much. I do information architecture and experience design for people with lots of pennies, I also do some work for people with no pennies at all. I am ( slowly but surely ) working towards my doctorate. At the moment, my side thing is spreading the word like fire through digital spaces. If I am able to someday shift this from "side thing" to "main thing", that would be sweet. But I also wouldn't mind doing a few other things.

I'm doing many things in my life out of order, and for the most part do what I want, and what feels right... as opposed to maybe what most other people tell me I should do. So far, this is working out pretty well, though I do stumble now and then.

I live with intensity; "no power in the 'Verse can stop me."

Except me, that is.


Who I am today:

Girl next door. Self-proclaimed nerd. Crazy insomniac.

I'm in my young 30's with a tween-aged daughter who helps keep me humble by never quite letting me feel fully sane. My family is comprised of all sorts of dysfunction, yet somehow we're still close.

For work, I'm an insurance geek. I handle auto liability for losses that occur in Indiana. I have all sorts of letters behind my name that only mean something in the insurance world and I'm working on the big ones. CPCU is sort of the holy grail of insurance designations; I'm on the 5th of 8 courses in the program. A huge thing that occupies my work life is co-chairing our largest employee resource group for the state of Michigan.

Outside of work, I rarely sleep, but have lots to keep me occupied. I'm insanely domestic and have been working on decorating my big huge house that I bought in December. I love to bake and experiment with that a lot. I'm kind of a lit freak, so I read whenever I get a chance. I write poetry and have just now joined this really cool writing group. It's called "Write Monkey, Write." Maybe you've heard of it???

Someone close to me told me recently that I "live life in gulps, not sips." I like to think that will never change, even when I'm the 80 year-old grandma.


Aharon Vadel was the name given to a Seraph of destiny. As the Seraphim, or Thrones, were the highest choir of angels in the theoretical Catholic heaven, the writer chose the name of this angel as representing a higher ideal than himself.

Aharon is now the pen name for writer uses in place of his own persona. The Writer has always been fascinated with angel lore since actually before he could remember, and is working toward writing a series of short stories, and some not so short, about angels found on earth. The fact that similar concepts have been dealt with by authors such as Neil Gaiman, and Steve Jackson causes some notable concern for the writer as he is often worried that his writing will be seen as standing in the shadow of these men.

The Writer is currently working toward dual degrees in English Studies and in Sociology. He hopes that these backgrounds will be a positive influence on his life and writing. Thus far he believes that they have been.

The writer joined Write Monkey Write to challenge himself as a writer. Although he knows himself to be young in the craft he often suffers from an over inflated sense of ego, and must from time to time remind himself that he has a great deal yet to learn… especially in the department of grammar.

About Aharon.

The pieces under Aharon at Write Monkey Write are usually in third person, or in a first person other than the writer. Unless specifically a memory The writer hopes to be able to write from the perspective of various personalities, and with different voices. Although this is the intent it is at times not fully realized and the writer often invited criticism that will help him improve.

Why would a Monkey Write the random sets of sound that the once monkey's call the written language. Does the monkey write for fame, does the Monkey write for the glory of god, does the monkey write for love. This only the monkey knows, and this is only shared with what god he chooses. Write Monkey, Write.

-Aharon Vadel- get well card

The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways - I to die, and you to live. Which is better God only knows.

- Socrates

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