Thursday, September 28, 2006

Our Essays

Hemp - "We just got back from GenCon; write a memoir of the blessed event. Due monday the 27th. Three pages, you lazy bastards."

Gencon - Pete

GenCon - Hemp

GenCon - Lane

Pete - "The main character comes into contact with some sort of object,
manipulates it somehow, and discovers a genie."

Genie - Lane

Genie - Pete

Genie - Hemp

Seven Deadly Sins
Lane- "Ok so here's my idea for next week. Pick one of the seven deadly sins and write a story around that idea showing humanity at it's worst. If you guys totally hate this idea then let me know and i'll come up with something else."

Sin - Zach

Sin - Pete

Sin - Aharon

Sin - Hemp

Sin - Lane

Fourteen Word Stories
Zach - "Everyone knows about Hemingway's six word story? Well, I think six words is not enough, but I love the concept. So, this week, we'll use fourteen (twice one more than six, chosen mostly at random). Tell me a story in fourteen words. And have fun with it, kay? If more than one pops up, go right ahead -- they're short, so theoretically they should be easy, right? (right? Riiiiight?) Also, these can be non-fiction (see Shatner's six word story) too, if you're clever enough. Because they're so damn fun, I demand five stories each. Please?"

5/14 - Zach

5/14 - Pete

5/14 - Hemp

5/14 - Aharon

5/14 - Tammy

5/14 - Steph

5/14 - lane

( Smoking ) Monkey
Arahon - "HAHAHA Write Monkeys, Write!"

Monkey - Tammy

Monkey - Pete

Monkey - Hemp

Monkey - Zach

Monkey - Hemp #2

Monkey - Aharon

Tammy: “...write, in the first person, a real memory or experience…that had a hand in shaping the person you are now…Then, tie that in to a short (2-4 paragraphs) bio about who you are now.

Bio - Hemp

Bio - Zach

Bio - Pete

Bio - Tammy

Bio - Aharon

The Doors
Steph: "I would like you to write a short continuation of Stockton's story, not necessarily in Stockton's style, feel free to make it your own, of course. Perhaps reveal what happened when he opened the door, and where you think the story would go from there."

The Doors - Pete

The Doors - Hemp

The Doors - Zach

The Doors - Jack

Jack: "Write a brief story, fictional or real, that centers around a dilemma -- moral, romantic, any kind you want."

Dilemma- Zach

Dilemma- Hemp

Hemp: "Modernize, rewrite, or reboot a myth."

Myth - Hemp

Myth - Jack

Myth - Zach

Myth - Pete

Historical Figure
Lane: "Write a historical fiction piece about an obviously famous historical figure."

Historical Figure - Hemp

Historical Figure - Zach


Zach: "Write a fight scene."

Fight- Hemp

Serial Mixer

Andy: "Take two serial concepts (text, tv, music, art, etc.)" and bring them together into a story that utilizes both."