Monday, November 19, 2007

New Topic Structure: Biweekly, Not Weekly

In order to ease the burden created by writing every week, Pete and I decided to switch from a weekly format to a biweekly one. Hopefully, the extra time will easy the weekly grind, allow for catch-up time, and lead to more writing from all of us.

So instead of a new topic being posted every Monday, a new topic will be posted on the 1st and 15th of the month. The order of topic selection will remain exactly the same; Tammy, Steph, and Jack are all next in line. For simplicity’s sake, the “submission date” for Aharon’s “Serial Mixer” topic has been extended until December 1st. From there, it follows that on December 1st, Tammy will be picking a topic.

If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to bring them up. We really do want to know.

Happy writing!


Jack Glasses said...

I support this very much. Between philosophy papers and a personal writing project I've been burt out on writing. A few of the last topic ideas have been fantastic too, so hopefully with this and the break I'll have time to catch up.

Zach L said...

Seconded. As much as I love writing, seeing only mine and Hemp's name for the past few weeks has been painful, and knowing how much I've struggled to get what little bit I have posted -- I like WMW and I'd love to see it thrive and flourish. I think slowing the pace (at least, for a while) is a good idea.

Pete said...

So say we all...