Monday, October 29, 2007

Next week's topic

I was talking to hemp this weekend and he told me that it was my turn to pick a topic. Personally, I told him that I didn't that would be very fair of me since I have been so busy that not only have I not had time write in weeks, but I haven't even had time to read any of the stories. (I will eventually though, I promise.) Given that, and the fact that I'm not even sure if I'll have enough time to write this week either, he told me to post a topic.

Often times some of the greatest heroes and villains to to ever be written about are real people who are or were actually alive. My assignment is to take an obviously famous historical figure (one that everyone has , or should have, heard of) and write a historical fiction piece that stars that character, good or bad.

1 comment:

Tanqueray said...

Good topic. I may write alternative fiction: slightly different, but close enough to stay within the topic's confines. Abe Lincoln as an aardvark commando is my first thought.