Thursday, September 20, 2007

more changes along the side

You may have noticed that the list on the left is getting kinda long, and will only get longer. I'm redoing the navigation along the side, just putting a link that leads to a page with stuff, as opposed to writing all of it out along the side. The items/links on the left side will be:

The monkey picture : )

Who we are

( will link to a page with a description of, well, who we are. As a group and individually, maybe. )

About the blog

( A little bit about how to bounce around, what to look for, and what we post here. )

Essays by author

( a list of us, and stuff we've done. Pretty much the list you see now to the left )

Essays by topic

( I'll repost the topic description, along with a link list leading to people who submitted )

The archive dropdown and the email address thingy at the bottom will still be there.

A few questions:

We're growing a little, and maybe everyone doesn't know everyone, or maybe spelling out a little bit might be good for people who visit the blog but don't post. I was thinking about putting a bit about each of us, somewhere; a paragraph that introduces each one of us. This might be helpful to associate names with what we're doing. We'd write our own paragraph, of course. Any thoughts on this?

Any thoughts about how things are going, here? Something you'd like to see, or something you think we should do, or not do? Hemp and I have been tweaking things, managing as we get up and running, but if you have any ideas or questions, I'd love to hear them. If not, that's cool. It will be all done off the top of our heads.

; )


Tammy said...

I haven't ventured into it, but can't we each update our "profile" here? Maybe that would be the best way for us to tell a bit about ourselves, a pic if wanted, etc?

As for how things are set up, I think you and Hemp have done great.

Pete said...

We can modify our profiles, but mine's really bland, and has to stay that way; I write for more than one Blogspot blog, and there's no way to use different profiles for them... they all share the same one. Due to the varied nature of these different blogs, this is not helpful.

So, it might work for everyone else, just not for me. Heh. It really is not a big deal, and that's a good point.

Tanqueray said...

I will not write about myself. ;)

We could all just write a bio of ourselves in individual postings and then link to it. Andy proved we can include pictures so that aspect would be taken care of as well.

Hell, we can even make it an assignment, as dull as that would be. Say.... "Write it as though it were a bio for a law firm."


Tammy said...

Actually... If I remember right, I'm next up to provide the assignment? I could VERY easily tie this in to what I was going to assign. Maybe not the law firm thing, but something bio-like. Then, like Hemp said, we could link to it.

How does that sound?

Tanqueray said...

The law firm thing was a joke on myself.

Bios sound fine to me. However, they might be a bit skimpy in terms of a topic, but I wager everyone would do it. Participation is always a plus.

Tanqueray said...

And as I read your comment more closely, I see "bio-like" and "tie this in." Scratch the "skimpy" reference...