I everyone Aharon here. I would like to say welcome to all the newcomers not only steph and Tammy, but also Zach. I'm really glad to have you guys here and I want to say thanx to all of you. Having others involved keeps me involved, also it's great because we see alot of variety.
that being said, I should make it clear that I am here to challenge myself as a writer, as, I assume, are all of you. I would ask that when I do make a post that anyone who reads it feel free to tell me anything positive, but please feel free to tell me if there is something about my writing that is problematic. From now on I will include a memo of the purpose of the short story, and questions I would like you as readers to ask as you read it. I look forward to criticism.
Beyond that if anyone has a preffered style of critique that you would like me to employ (focus on the positive, or on the negative) please comment back and let me know. I ask because I would not want to be too negative with someone who handles positive feedback better, but mostly because I don't want to just say what I liked to someone who is trying to iron out the wrinkles in their writing.
I look forward to hearing from you guys.
Hey there... it's been a while. Thanks for the welcome to the group, it's great to be here. :)
I, too, welcome input of any kind. I'm definitely more the editor-type than a writer and have a real tough time with the creative part of writing. One particular rough area for me is wrapping things up neatly. My tendency is to leave things too open-ended. So help in that area would definitely be appreciated, too.
Happy writng!
Ditto to also wanting any type of feedback. In my opinion my weaknesses are lack of discipline in the writing, and ending things too early when there is more that can be added to enhance the story. So any help or advice there would be nice.
Anything is good.
okay, really though -- I think my biggest flaw is that I tend to cast my net too wide, and I have troubly reigning it in -- that is to say, I spit out what I'm thinking and don't bother enough with drafts or re-reading what I wrote. If you see my professionalism slip, let me know! It's hard, sometimes, to excise paragraphs you thought so long and hard on, even if it's necessary.
Also: what up?!?!?!?!?!
I only want comments that praise my virility.
~checks watch~
Hmmmmmmmmm. We might be a while.
; )
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